An alternative documentation loan would be a fit for you if you are self-employed or have difficulty documenting your income. Alternative documentation loans are extended to borrowers with a wide range of credit histories and equity levels, and who have been unable to secure a loan through conventional underwriting standards.
- Available for a primary residence, second home or investment property.
- Available as a purchase, rate/term refinance or cash out refinance.
- Available for property types of SFR, Condo, Townhome, PUD, 4 Unit, Multi Family, Office, Industrial, Retail, Land, Hotel
- Great terms available if you are not able to get approved through normal underwriting standards.
- Increase your cash flow or get cash out of equity to improve your financial position
- Purchase a new property even if you have been denied by conventional underwriters.
Things to Consider:
- A full written disclosure of income, assets and liabilities is required on the application.
- Salaried borrowers must be employed in the same line of work for minimum of 2 years.
- Self Employed borrowers must be in same line of business for minimum of 2 years.